Friday, November 24, 2006

Blogging for the 1st Time

This is the first time I'm blogging... a little nervous but hmm... interesting!

Had an interesting IM lecture today. Lecturer delivered interesting stories about life after UTAR, further studies, travelling, etc. It was really fun listening to him speak. His reactions were really funny too.

Feel truly blessed for having a second chance to study again. Thankful for wonderful, loving & supportive parents & sister plus beautiful friends. Life as a student is marvellous... Time will pass by very fast and i'll be back in the job market real soon. But learning will not stop here... life-long learning. I plan to do more...

Played futsal and badminton with classmates ... it was real fun & so good for the body... all along i thought i was a "ball retard"... i'm not very good at it, but hmm... i'm OK! hope to play again soon with my buddies.

Gotta start revision and work hard. have not been revising since mid-term... bad bad gal! Will need to buck up because exam is just a week plus from now. hope my classmates will pass with flying colours :d Gambate everyone!!
Gotta return to my revision. Will blog again real soon.
Good night.

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